... to Tami. Sister-friend, I could not have imagined anyone else to be my partner in this venture. You are inspiration itself and being around you continually pushes me to get my brain outside the box. God has blessed you with talents galore and I am so thrilled that you share them with me. I shall be eternally grateful for your friendship and my new affection for twigs and sticks.
... to Darlyn and June, the best mother and aunt a girl like me could have. Even though I'm not "twenty" any longer, thanks for trusting me with a vision of my own and giving me the space in which to make it a reality. Thirteen years of your time and patience have made me who I am, and if there were ever two women with a heart for others and for retail, I could not have had two better to learn from. I love you both with all my heart.
... to Robyn, graphic designer extrordinaire, for always taking my not-so-concise ideas and crafting them into the perfect culmination of what I so poorly tried to communicate. For fitting my projects in to your schedule even when I'm in a time-crunch. You were my catalyst into blog-land and I hope this blog is lucky enough to even be half as wonderful as
... to my friends and family. I could try and list you all but this blog would then be forever long. Thanks for asking, laughing, cheering, encouraging, supporting and loving me and for understanding when I disappear for weeks in full shop-mode. For taking me on shopping excursions and to my first auction, for girls' nights and e-mails, and for conversations that come just when I need them most.
And finally... to all the wonderful people who have braved the never-ending snow and cold weather to stop in this week and see the shop in person. I've been blessed by your comments and compliments and it has been a pleasure to get to know you.
It's been said that every journey begins with a single step (or in this case a leap of faith). Each of you have made this so wonderful that I can hardly wait to see were it goes from here.